Protection & Detection

At Argos Pet Ranch, our Protection Training programs provide comprehensive security solutions, including personal, executive, property, and compound protection. Our skilled trainers develop dogs capable of recognizing and responding to potential threats, ensuring your safety in various scenarios. Whether you need a loyal companion for personal security, a reliable guard for high-profile clients, or an effective deterrent for property and compound protection, our tailored training programs offer the peace of mind you deserve.

Scent Detection

We offer specialized scent detection training programs designed to harness and refine your dog’s natural abilities. Our expert trainers use proven techniques to teach dogs how to detect and alert on various scents, including narcotics, explosives, and even specific human scents for search and rescue missions. This training not only enhances your dog’s innate skills but also provides them with engaging and mentally stimulating tasks. Whether for professional use or enhancing your dog’s capabilities, our scent detection training ensures precision, reliability, and a strong working partnership between you and your canine companion.