Common Problems

Below are some common problems that our clients ask us about:

How to Get My Dog to Stop Jumping:

Many dog owners struggle with their dogs jumping on people, which can be both frustrating and potentially hazardous. To address this behavior, consistently reinforce calm greetings by rewarding your dog only when all four paws are on the ground. Training techniques such as ignoring the jumping and rewarding alternative behaviors, like sitting, can effectively teach your dog to greet people politely.

How to Get My Dog to Stop Barking:

Dog owners face challenges with excessive barking, which can be disruptive and concerning. To address this behavior, identify the triggers that cause your dog to bark and work on desensitizing them to these stimuli through gradual exposure and positive reinforcement. Additionally, teaching your dog the “quiet” command and rewarding them for calm, quiet behavior can help manage and reduce unnecessary barking.

How to Train My Dog to Stay & Come:

Training your dog to “stay” and “come” are essential commands that enhance their safety and obedience. Start with the “stay” command by having your dog sit, then show your palm and say “stay” while gradually stepping back. Reward them with treats and praise for staying in place. Increase the distance and duration gradually. For the “come” command, start by using a leash in a distraction-free environment. Say “come” in an enthusiastic tone while gently pulling the leash towards you. Reward your dog with treats and praise when they reach you. Practice this command in different settings, gradually increasing the distance and distractions to ensure reliable recall. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to mastering these commands.

How to Train My Dog to Walk Off Leash:

Training your dog to walk off-leash is an advanced process that requires a solid foundation of basic commands like “come,” “sit,” and “stay.” Begin in a secure, fenced area to practice off-leash behavior, frequently calling your dog back and rewarding them with treats and praise. Gradually increase distance and distractions as your dog becomes more reliable. Transition to open spaces, ensuring safety and continuous reinforcement of commands. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your dog can enjoy the freedom of off-leash walks while remaining responsive and well-behaved.

How to Make My Dog Less Aggressive:

Reducing aggression in dogs requires patience, consistency, and often professional guidance. Start by identifying the triggers that cause your dog’s aggressive behavior and work on desensitizing them to these stimuli through controlled, positive exposure. Ensure your dog gets regular exercise, mental stimulation, and a structured routine to reduce anxiety and pent-up energy. Utilize positive reinforcement techniques to reward calm, non-aggressive behavior, and avoid punishment, as it can escalate aggression. In cases of severe aggression, seek the help of a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist to develop a tailored behavior modification plan.

How to Get My Dog to Stop Whining:

To get your dog to stop whining, start by identifying the cause, such as anxiety, attention-seeking, or discomfort. Address any immediate needs, like hunger, thirst, or a need to go outside. Avoid reinforcing the behavior by not giving in to whining for attention or treats. Instead, reward your dog with treats and praise when they are quiet. Consistently train your dog to be calm and patient, using commands like “quiet” or “settle,” and provide plenty of physical and mental stimulation to prevent boredom. If whining persists, consider consulting a veterinarian or professional trainer to rule out any underlying health or behavioral issues.